エーデルガルト外伝 天山いまだ越えず Insurmountable
As Edelgard works to reorganize the army after merging with Alliance troops, she receives an urgent message from Duke Goneril, whose forces guard Fódlan's Locket.
(執務室 昼)
Advisory Room | Daytime
エーデルガルト: ……よし、と。戦線が動いたから兵站の見直しも必要ね。
Edelgard: There... We must rethink the supply route now that the battle lines have moved. This one will be Hubert...and Count Bergliez will oversee this force here... Ah, Professor... Is something wrong? Sorry, I thought I had a bit more time before the council meeting.
Choice 1: 働き者だ You never stop working.
エーデルガルト: 下の者に任せられることは、すべて任せたいのだけれどね。
Edelgard: True. Though ideally, I'd like to hand off anything I can to my subordinates. But while we're on the front lines, I can't help but worry about every little thing.
Choice 2: 邪魔をして悪かった Sorry to bother you.
エーデルガルト: いいのよ、まだここを動けないけれど……
Edelgard: No bother at all, but I'm afraid I'm not quite finished here. Still, I'm happy to see you. Your presence lightens my mood a great deal.
エーデルガルト: それで、今日は……
Edelgard: Now, let's see...
ヒューベルト: 陛下、失礼します。火急の用でして。
Hubert: Pardon, Your Majesty. An urgent matter.
エーデルガルト: 何?
Edelgard: What's happened?
ヒューベルト: フォドラの喉元に、パルミラ軍が。それなりの規模という報告です。
Hubert: There is an army from Almyra at Fódlan's Throat. Reports indicate it is of appreciable size.
Byleth: フォドラの喉元? Fódlan's Throat?
ヒューベルト: はい。このフォドラと、東の大国パルミラの境界に横たわる険峻な山脈は……
Hubert: A steep mountain range runs along the border between Fódlan and Almyra.
That mountain range is called Fódlan's Throat.
The sturdy fortress built within those mountains is called Fódlan's Locket.
It occupies the sole path through.
The church and the Alliance nobles built the Locket to safeguard against Almyran invasion.
エーデルガルト: 普段はゴネリル家が管理していて、危急の時には周辺の諸侯が共同で守っていたの。
Edelgard: Normally, House Goneril watches over the fortress. In times of trouble, the lords join together to protect it.
But I assume it would be too difficult to defend against this incursion with only the troops of Goneril...
ヒューベルト: 勇将と名高いホルスト卿が急病だとかで、戦況が芳しくないそうです。
Hubert: The situation has been precarious for House Goneril since Holst fell ill.
Choice 1: ホルスト卿? Holst?
ヒューベルト: ホルスト卿はゴネリル公の嫡子で、ヒルダ殿の兄ですよ。
Hubert: The heir to House Goneril, renowned for his bravery. He is Hilda's elder brother.
Choice 2: なるほど I see.
エーデルガルト: ホルスト卿は一騎当千の将。それを欠いたゴネリル家の苦戦は理解できるわ。
Edelgard: Holst is a formidable commander. It is only logical that House Goneril would struggle in his absence.
The Alliance has shattered. They can't request soldiers from the surrounding lords.
And the Imperial troops stationed there can't be relocated so easily.
The best course of action is for us to go out there and deal with this ourselves.
It's critical for us to protect that location. This is our chance to prove that we won't allow it to fall.
ヒューベルト: 放置して被害が出るよりは、後の統治に良い影響をもたらすのは確かでしょう。
Hubert: Yes. It is to the benefit of our future governance not to abandon it. It seems this must be done. Will you assist us?
Choice 1: 出陣する(外伝戦闘へ) I will. (Begin Paralogue battle)
エーデルガルト: ええ、準備が終わり次第、出発するわ。パルミラ軍が喉元を過ぎる前に、ね。
Edelgard: We'll depart after you finish making preparations. Move swiftly. We must move before the Almyran army crosses the Throat.
Choice 2: 考えさせて(準備に戻る) Let me think. (Return to previous screen.)
エーデルガルト: そう。私たちにも準備がある。少しだけ待つわ。
Edelgard: Yes... Preparations must still be made. We'll wait a bit longer. If you're not going to join us, we'll take those who are able and willing. Don't worry about it.
エーデルガルト: 間に合ったようね。ゴネリル家の兵は撤収させて。
Edelgard: It seems we made it in time. Let's help the soldiers of House Goneril withdraw. The Black Eagle Strike Force will protect Fódlan's Locket!
ゴネリル兵: おお、救援か!助かった!
Goneril Soldier: Support! We're saved!
ナデル: ……おっと、敵に援軍か?あの旗は帝国軍……相手に不足なしだ!
Nader: Reinforcements? And that flag belongs to the Imperial army... Ha! A fine enemy, indeed! Break through the Locket and make a name for yourself! No need to by shy―strike all at once!
エーデルガルト: これはフォドラを守る戦い!防衛線を突破されたら敗北と思いなさい!
Edelgard: We fight to protect Fódlan! If the defensive line is broken, we fail! Our enemies are many...but we can use the terrain to our advantage and stop them where they stand!
vs ナデル
ナデル: ハハッ、この俺に挑む度胸は褒めてやる!
Nader: I must commend you for your courage, seeing as how you dare stand against me!
主人公 vs ナデル
ナデル: 山を真っ二つに割るその剣で、このナデル様もぶった斬ってみるか?
Nader: Your sword is fit to cleave a mountain in two. Care to try it out against the undefeated Nader?
エーデルガルト vs ナデル
エーデルガルト: “百戦無敗”の将軍……いえ、もう一敗しているものね。
Edelgard: They call you undefeated... Oh, but you've already suffered one defeat, have you not? And on this day, victory will again be ours!
ナデル: “百一戦一敗”じゃ恰好がつかんなあ。ここで勝利して帳消しにさせてもらうぞ!
Nader: "The Once Defeated" isn't quite as exciting, is it? I'll just have to claim this victory here to wipe away the shame of defeat!
ナデル: ここまでか……ったく、怖え女だ……
Nader: So this is how far I go... Unbelievable... What a scary woman...
パルミラ兵: 馬鹿なっ!? ナデル様が!ちくしょう、退け! 退けえっ!
エーデルガルト: 何度、攻め寄せようと……この喉元を落とさせはしないわ。
Edelgard: No matter how many times you attack, we will never allow you to capture the Throat.
エーデルガルト: パルミラ軍……難敵だったわね。今はフォドラ内地に集中したい状況……
Edelgard: The Almyran troops are difficult opponents... For now, I would much rather focus on Fódlan's internal territories. I hope they don't mount another attack anytime soon.
エーデルガルト: パルミラ軍は退いていったようね。敵の被害もそれなりに大きい……
Edelgard: The Almyran Army retreated. Their casualties were numerous. As I understand it, they won't be attempting another invasion anytime soon. Still, we must prepare the local troops before their enemy returns.
Choice 1: 厄介な隣人だ They are an irritating neighbor.
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうね。できることなら友好関係を築きたいわ。
Edelgard: Indeed. But if possible, I would like to foster amicable relations with them.
Choice 2:仲良くしては? Maybe we can befriend them?
エーデルガルト: それができるならね……。修好でも何でもしてやるわ。
Edelgard: That is my hope. I would even consider a treaty.
エーデルガルト: パルミラはフォドラと違って、神が支配するような国柄でもない。
Edelgard: Unlike Fódlan, Almyra is not a land ruled by a blind fealty to the goddess. I believe we need only to communicate openly with them and respect the differences between our cultures. If we do that, we should be able to have an meaningful dialogue with them, one more promising than what we can expect from followers of the goddess. Ah, Hubert. What did Duke Goneril say?
ヒューベルト: は、エーデルガルト様への多大なる感謝と、是非お礼をしたい、と。
Hubert: He expresses his sincere gratitude to Lady Edelgard.
In addition, he would like to leave the protection of the Throat to Imperial troops from now on.
エーデルガルト: ふ……殊勝なことね。それにしても、ホルスト卿の急病とは何だったの?
Edelgard: Is that so? How reasonable of him. By the way, what was it that ailed Holst?
ヒューベルト: はあ……要領を得ませんでしたが、何やら変なキノコを食べたとか。
Hubert: I did not hear all the details, but apparently he ate some bad mushrooms.
It is said he is now emaciated and pale, and his skin exudes a mysterious vapor.
エーデルガルト: ……見てみたい気もするけれど、見ない方が賢明な予感がするわ。
Edelgard: Huh, I can't help but imagine what that must look like...but it's probably better not to think about it.
ヒューベルト: ええ、見ないほうがよろしいですな。絶対に、見ないほうが。
Hubert: Agreed. Do not worry yourself with such thoughts.
エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: ...
Choice 1: そこまで言われると見たい I'm too curious.
エーデルガルト: そ、そうね。貴方は見てくるといいわ。
Edelgard: Indeed... Well, then maybe you should pay a visit. And then...you could tell me what it looked like.
Choice 2: そこまで言われては見ないようにしよう It's best left unseen.
エーデルガルト: わかった。それなら私だけ見に行こうかしら。
Edelgard: There's only one option, then. I must pay a visit on my own and see this ailment with my own eyes.
ヒューベルト: ………………。くくく……。
Hubert: Heh...
エーデルガルト: いえ、やめておきましょう。皇帝危うきに近寄らず、よ。
Edelgard: Actually... On second thought, I'd better not. As emperor, I can't risk it.